How to accept or reject a booking

How to accept or reject a booking

Booking requests are automatically rejected after 72 hours, so it's important that you stay on top of your booking requests and respond in a timely manner so that you don't lose out on business. Here is how to see your requests, and how to accept or reject them.

Step 1:

Go to your inbox, which you'll find when you hover your mouse over your profile image.

Step 2:

View your inbox

Step 3:

Click on the subject and you'll be taken to the page where you can accept or decline the listing, and message the buyer. Click on the green "Accept Request" button or the red "Not this time button"

Step 4:

On the next screen you'll have three options. Most of the time you're not going to want to close the listing unless it was a temporary listing for a special request, or something you don't want to sell anymore. Once you've made your selection, make sure to hit the blue button at the bottom to finalize.


  1. If you want to accept the listing but can't do the date/time or for some other reason, you can message back and forth with the buyer to come to an agreement. You should then tell the buyer that you will reject the request and they should resubmit a request for the agreed upon time and date.
  2. You will also see messages in your inbox that are not booking requests- this could be buyers seeking to learn more about you or your listing before they commit to purchasing. Be sure to reply!
  3. Sometimes bookings will come directly from Welnys on behalf of our clients. Be sure to accept or reject using the same process, as this is how we will pay you for the event. 

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